
Austria Topo Mosaic

Area: Austria + Liechtenstein

Source: BEV Österreich

Scale: 1:50.000

Format: Topographic

Size: -

Resolution: 5.0 m/px

Version: 2024


Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV), established in Austria in 1923, has a rich history dating back to institutions like the Topographische Anstalt of 1806 and the Militärgeographisches Institut of 1839. Since its formal establishment in 1923, BEV has played a crucial role in map production and topographical surveys in Austria. Its legacy includes the creation and maintenance of essential maps, such as the Österreichische Karte 1:50.000 (ÖK 50), which has become a vital tool for territorial planning and resource management. Over the years, BEV has evolved to embrace modern technology, offering services like the Austrian Positioning Service (Austrian Positioning Service - APOS) and making significant contributions to the fields of metrology and cartography in Austria.
Austria Topo Mosaic
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