France Ortho Zones
Set up in 1940 to replace the service géographique de l'armée, to stop aircraft, maps and mapmaking equipment falling into enemy hands, the Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN) today is the main public body responsible for geographical information on French territory and one of Europe’s leading geographical institutes. It is currently a national benchmark in mapping and an important cartographic supplier for our collection of maps of France.
France Ortho Mosaic is a collection of high-quality maps that can be purchased separately by territories, in this case France Ortho Zones.
France Ortho Zones is an orthophoto based on aerial photographs, pictures have been geometrically calibrated to get a uniform map scale. This high-resolution map contains all kind of elements included in the landscape: buildings, pathways (from highways to footpaths), rivers, coastline, national parks... all in all presented in 1:24.000 with a resolution of 2.4 m/px. Remember that for a most realistic representation, you can display this map using a stunning 3D view.
- France Ortho Zones Alpes
- France Ortho Zones Est
- France Ortho Zones Massif Central
- France Ortho Zones Méditerranée
- France Ortho Zones Normandie-Bretagne
- France Ortho Zones Ouest
- France Ortho Zones Paris-Centre
- France Ortho Zones Paris-Nord
- France Ortho Zones Pyrenees-South West