
France IGN Géoportail (1 year access) Reference ID: 1490

Area: Metropolitan France (overseas territories are not included) + Monaco

Source: IGN France

Scale: 1:25.000

Format: On-line

Size: -

Resolution: 2.5 m/px


Set up in 1940 to replace the service géographique de l'armée, to stop aircraft, maps and mapmaking equipment falling into enemy hands, the Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN) today is the main public body responsible for geographical information on French territory and one of Europe’s leading geographical institutes. It is currently a national benchmark in mapping and an important cartographic supplier for our collection of maps of France.

IMPORTANT: In order to be displayed, these maps require a device with internet connection (Land or App TwoNav). This product is not compatible with TwoNav GPS.

  • France IGN Top25: Contains all kind of accurate data including: elevation contour lines, pathways (from highways to footpaths), huge amount of POIs (points of interest), towns, cities, national parks, etc.

  • France CarteIGN: Contains most of the information of France IGN Top25 with a finer and more pleasant aesthetic. This map also includes a more detailed urban areas layer.

  • France Slopes: Includes highly accurate data on the situation of significant terrain slopes.

  • France Ortho: Orthophoto based on aerial photographs, pictures have been geometrically calibrated to get a uniform map scale.

  • France Cadastre: Accurate data presenting the limits of all terrain parcels such as buildings and roads (postal address are also displayed for each parcel).

* Map license annually renewable